1. Serena
    01/09/2018 @ 10:03 am

    The internet need more post like this. I did a similiar one and linked back to your site as my inspiration.

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      01/09/2018 @ 10:07 am

      I am honored Serena! Thank you for sharing my article on a topic so close to my heart. As Oprah said at the Golden Globes and the inspirational Tarana Burke #metoo movement… times up to have our girls feel as though there are consequences for speaking up and speaking out! Thank you so much for your support! Be sure to join our Facebook group for like minded parents, authors, and educators. Together we stand and make a difference!

  2. Visitor
    11/24/2017 @ 3:13 pm

    This is a wonderful article. It is not only for girls, boys too. I raised my son with all these rules since he was a toddler and even relatives that he does not know he treats hands off. And the same situation like you he is of mixed race which can sometimes come off in a bad way, but I don’t care, I only think of the safety of my child. He is an adult now and is better for the way I raised him, Thumbs up to you and a lot of parents should follow these rules. We live in a different era. Be careful and aware so you have no regrets later.

  3. Opher
    11/02/2016 @ 10:10 am

    Certainly a difficult area to deal with. I think it is sad that paedophiles and sexual predators have created an environment where non-sexual contact is so suspect. Embracing and physical contact is such an important ingredient of being human.

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