Partner With Us

Biracial Bookworms works with brands, authors, companies, and non-profits that impact our mission of literacy, literature, and diversity. We are an LLC company that accepts opportunities to share sponsored posts and paid content that allows us the ability to share our own opinions and thoughts for the school and parenting communities we serve.

If you’re interested in partnering with us or learning more about our vision, check out our Media Kit.
Contact Bethany Edwards in the contact form to learn more.
(A rate sheet is available by request.)

Biracial Bookworms is focused on making a big impact in the world of girls education. We are looking for organizations and individuals who want to support the next generation of girl leaders by giving them the tools to reach their potential.

Biracial Bookworms hopes to partner with education leaders, authors, educators, and social/racial justice organizations committed to equity.

Biracial Bookworms

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